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SEO Services

Welcome to the land where code optimization, speed and keywords are your weapons of choice.

The internet is a jungle with pitfalls at every turn, allow Oryan to be your friendly guide to success.

Boost your websites visibility and organic traffic with our top-notch SEO services. Our team of SEO experts will conduct comprehensive audit of your current website to start. Then we discuss the audit with you and proceed to the next steps which include keyword research, optimize your websites structure and content, and implement effective link-building strategies.

Optimizing your website can seem as confusing as a lunar rocket launch. The process can be boring and confusing but, most of all necessary. We offer a refreshingly transparent approach to online success through sound website optimization advice that produces quantifiable, measurable and dependable results for our clients worldwide. Discover more about how our services can grow your online visibility and drive your customer base by calling Oryan @ (810) 776-8605.


SEO Services

Welcome to the land where code optimization, speed and keywords are your weapons of choice.

The internet is a jungle with pitfalls at every turn, allow Oryan to be your friendly guide to success.

Boost your websites visibility and organic traffic with our top-notch SEO services. Our team of SEO experts will conduct comprehensive audit of your current website to start. Then we discuss the audit with you and proceed to the next steps which include keyword research, optimize your websites structure and content, and implement effective link-building strategies.

Optimizing your website can seem as confusing as a lunar rocket launch. The process can be boring and confusing but, most of all necessary. We offer a refreshingly transparent approach to online success through sound website optimization advice that produces quantifiable, measurable and dependable results for our clients worldwide. Discover more about how our services can grow your online visibility and drive your customer base by calling Oryan @ (810) 776-8605.


SEO Packages

SEO packages are tailored offerings provided by Oryan to enhance a website’s online visibility and search engine ranking. These packages typically encompass a range of services aimed at optimizing the site’s content, structure, and performance. SEO packages can save time and effort for businesses, as they offer a bundled approach with predefined deliverables.

Site Audit
Search Engine Submission
Error Reporting
Per-Page SEO
Sitemap Indexing
Up to 50 Pages
Site Speed Optimization*
Keyword Research
Mobile Site Audit
Monthly Reporting
Up to 250 Pages
Competitor Analysis*
Advanced Reporting
Content Optimization
GEO Location Data
250 Pages +

Why do I need website optimization?

Excellent question. Right now your website is online and fully functional! However, potential customers may need help finding you. We want to make this as easy as possible. How are we going to do this, you ask. By optimizing every single page of your website to its maximum potential and globally submitting your site to every major search engine with effective sitemaps and speed compression.

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Reoccurring Optimization

Adaptive SEO Campaign Management
Great optimization is an ongoing process, not a one-time service. New keywords need to be targeted on an ongoing basis and conversions need to be monitored and improved upon. Every year vast changes are made in the search industry, including almost daily changes made to search engine algorithms. While there is something to be said about “common sense” optimization that does not get into “algorithm chasing”, its also common sense to know what is going on in the search industry and to be able to make adjustments to your optimized pages as required to continue to achieve and maintain top search engine positions.

Once your site has been optimized it is important to not let it stagnate. After the initial optimization is implemented, inevitably minor changes and tweaks will be required to maximize performance for your targeted keywords. Monitoring rankings regularly and making adjustments as necessary helps push those hard-to-achieve rankings up while combating against normal ranking slippage.

Monthly SEO Management
Each and every month, we go in to your site and provide a number of important services that will keep your website running strong. Our packages start at $299 per month.

  • Continuous, ongoing optimization targeting new keyword phrases each month
  • Monitoring of your site rankings for fluctuations in performance
  • Responding to ranking changes with optimization edits as necessary to improve on-the-page keyword relevance
  • Notification to you of any major optimization changes that are recommended to improve rankings on highly competitive terms
  • Analyzation of current link popularity status and recommend additional targeted links as necessary
  • Quick reaction to low or sinking rankings quickly to push rankings higher up in the search results

Ready to dive in and get the details?

Have a look at our SEO F.A.Q. we put together for you. It will help you understand a bit more about our process and your goals.

When a URL within a domain is broken and displays an error, that URL may still have link power that is being lost. In the case of MusicArtistDatabase.com, 13,000 URLs displayed a 404 File Not Found HTTP error. The 301 redirect allows you to redirect traffic from the broken URL to your home page or any other URL you want to increase page rank for.

An example is redirecting the broken URL:
http://www.musicartistdatabase.com/chi.bin/new/artist to http:musicartistdatabase.com/artist. Now when someone goes to the broken link they will be redirected to the functioning URL but the inbound link from the damaged URL is being used to increase the ranking power of the functioning URL.

Solution: Find any and all broken links and either repair, eliminate or redirect URLs.

The Meta description is the brief description that you see on the search engine result page. It is vital that the
description be enticing and engaging as to acquire more traffic for your site. It is also highly recommended that
Meta descriptions stay under 155 characters to prevent being cut off by the search engine.

Solution: Investigate all Meta Descriptions and ensure proper length, review copy to ensure the description is enticing and sufficient.

Keyword Targeting
One of the most important SEO factors is successful keyword targeting. This is identifying the potential keywords
that possible users may type into a search engine when looking for a specific website, and to optimize your
site using those keywords. Targeting the best keywords involves competitive research, keyword popularity and
relevancy measures.

The best way to optimize a website for search engines is to make certain that the keyword or keywords are
not duplicated across multiple pages but are used only on the target page. The keywords should be present in
the URL, title tag, and Meta description. Any lack of consistency means that there are opportunities to improve
keyword optimization.

Keyword Optimization
To show keyword optimization here are some poorly optimized URLs from MusicArtistDatabase.com.


The problem with these links is the number of keywords each URL is targeting. This can make it more difficult for
the search engines to find the keywords. This inconsistency in keyword targeting can also lead to problems with
the anchor text used in the inbound links.

An example of how the keywords should be optimized is:
Current URL: http://www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/info.php?title=DrumAndBassAndJazzAndPolkaOptimized URLs: http://www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/drum-and-bass/

Current Title Tag: MusicArtistDatabase.com – Top Drum and Bass and Jazz and Polka
Optimized Title Tag: MusicArtistDatabase.com – Top Drum and Bass Artists of 2015

Current Meta Description: Top artists!
Optimized Meta Description: Find Out More About The Top Drum and Bass Artists of 2015. Interviews, Photos, Tickets and more.

Solution:  Test title tags and Meta descriptions to determine the optimum combinations
Perform keyword research for articles and product pages. Optimize the on-page factors with superior keywords

Other than content, title tags are the most important on-page factor when it comes to SEO. As a result it is key
that the title tag include the most important targeted keyword and that word should be as close to the beginning
of the tag as possible.

Title tags should not focus on the purpose of the website in general but rather on the specific page, excepting
the home page which should focus on the general purpose of the website. Title tags provide a cardinal visual
element on the search engine results page. They should be used to brand your site as well as provide a unique
headline that should be very attractive to potential visitors. In general the title tag should not contain more than 70

To provide examples of good and bad title tags we turn once again to MusicArtistDatabase.com. These sample
title tags do not follow the suggested SEO guidelines. The biggest problem is what they say. Title tags should not
include sales copy. It can make your site look ‘spammy’.

Example title tags
Current Title Tag: MusicArtistDatabase.com – The Beatles. The United Kingdoms Number One Band
Optimized Title Tag: The Beatles at MusicArtistDatabasecom – Photos, Interviews, Songs, Discography

The new title tag provides a better description and uses higher quality keywords.

Solution: Run tests to find the best title tags for each section of your website, update title tags based on tests, check to see if ranking has improved.

While keywords in the text body do not significantly increase page popularity, it can help improve page relevancy and increase rankings. It is recommended that the targeted keywords be placed in the body text a minimum of 2-3 times. However, it is important that the keywords are used in a natural, organic way as to not appear artificial. It is important that the content creators are clear about who you are and what your website is about. This will help them choose search friendly topics and integrate the keywords into the text naturally. While increasing SEO ranking is important, it should noted that content should be created for people, not search engines.

Meta descriptions do not have an effect on search engine rankings but they are extremely important to users and in gaining click-throughs from the search engine results pages. The Meta descriptions are the short descriptions of the page the search engine found. It is your opportunity to advertise that your website is what the users are looking for and has the most relevant information.

The best Meta descriptions use targeted keywords strategically in order to generate a convincing summary that a searcher would want to click on. It is necessary that the Meta description is directly relevant to what is on the page. It is also vital that Meta descriptions between each page remain unique. The sample Meta descriptions from MusicArtistDatabase.com are consistently too short and do not take advantage of the free advertising right on the search engine result page.

H1 tags are the largest, most important heading on the page. It helps to create an information hierarchy, which helps users navigate the page. However, H1 tags are not necessary for search engine rankings. These tags, as with any header should use valuable keywords that describe the content on the page.

All other Header tags are important as well such as H2, H3, H4. The correct usage of these elements on your page boosts your SEO and lets Google know you have a properly coded website.

Significant Content
When the search engines send out crawlers to find and index websites, they primarily look for significant and unique content. Each page on the site should have content that is relevant and specific to what that page is about as well as provide information to make it easy for the users to understand what the page topic is.

Unique Content
Keeping your site content up to date keeps the search engine crawlers coming back. They return to look for new pages. This is good because it gives a positive impression of the site as well as providing more pages to rank. Google uses a specific tool in their search algorithm called QDF or “Query Deserves Freshness”. If a query is made in Google that is best answered by the latest information then Google marks this query as QDF. If your site is updated frequently then Google wants to use your site to answer relevant QDF queries. This helps pages with recently updated content increase in ranking.

Image Alt Attributes are tags that allow the search engine to see an image and then determine its importance. The filename of the image is generally what determines the factors for image search traffic. However, they can also assist in general site optimization.

When creating your image tag, it is important to use keywords. While the data linking keyword rich image alt attributes with higher rankings for non-image searches is correlational, the positive relationship cannot be ignored. It is recommended that all image alt tags utilize keywords.

Keyword Inclusion
URLs can either help or hurt your page rank. Including keywords in the URL is a big help. It improves relevancy and click-through results as well as providing a good anchor text when URLs are copied and pasted on other sites. When practical the primary keywords should be used in the page filename and the secondary keyword should be used in the subfolder names.

URL Length
Shorter URLs are better URLs. On top of increasing search engine ranking with Google, a URL with 74 or less characters does not get truncated on the search engine results page. As a result it is recommended that URLs stay under 74 characters. Shorter URLs are also better for usability, click-through rates and linkability as well as being easier to write down, tell a friend, and copy and paste.

If your URL does not match these criteria, do not change the existing content. Simply keep in mind for the future how to shorten up your URLs. Some ways to decrease URL length is to use short words and keywords as filenames, remove any file extensions and eliminate stop words that the search engines ignore anyway.

Meta Directives
There are several ways that Webmasters can exhibit some control over the search engine crawlers that are examining their sites. One of those ways is Meta Directives. These directives give the crawlers commands on whether or not they can index certain pages or crawl the links on the page. They can also make it so the crawlers from certain search engines cannot locate your page. The default meta directive allows the crawlers to search and index all the pages.

The “noindex, follow” is a particularly useful directive. It prevents the crawlers from indexing certain pages while still allowing them to index others. This keeps the page off the search engine results page but still allows the inbound links from the page to boost your search engine ranking.

The protocol “noydir” stops a listing on the Yahoo! directory for the page showing up on the search engine results page. In a similar fashion the “noodp” protocol stops DMOZ.org listings from showing. A site like MusicArtistDatabase.com would allow the indexing of all its pages. The protocol that does this is (<meta name=’robots’ content=’all’ />) but, because the default protocol is included it is redundant to write and while it does not hurt, it does not help either. It can also take up bandwidth as there is more code to be read.

Robots.txt are similar to the “noindex, follow” meta directive in that they are meant to keep webpages out of search engine indexes. However, even if the robot.txt is set up properly and the search engine does not index the page, the page URL may still appear in the search results. As a result we recommend that the “noindex, follow” meta directive be used when attempting to keep pages out of search engine indexes.

Whatever your reason for blocking those pages the best way to do it is with meta directives over robots.txt. The “noindex, follow” directive is a far superior way to keep a page out of the search engine indexes while at the same time maintaining the link value of the page.

XML sitemaps are the website index and they are very important in assisting the search engine crawlers in navigating the website and finding pages. Unless your website is set up as an index of information as with MusicArtistDatabase.com, a Sitemap is highly recommended. ( A must have.)

Canonicalized Site Versions
This is the method of making a website available from one URL only. For example, http://www.example.com vs. http://example.com. The different URLs need to be put in an order so that the search crawlers know which is the real or canonical URL. If this is not done it can cause ranking issues.

In our example with MusicArtistDatabase.com a canonicalization issue is simulated. The ‘www’ subdomain can cause an issue. If one address is www.musicartistdatabase.com and one is http://musicartistdatabse.com and there is no canonicalization the crawlers can get confused.

A 301 redirect is an effective fix. It is important that the URL with the least inbound links is redirected to the site
with more inbound links.

Canonicalization & Duplicate Content
If you have any duplicate content at different URLs it is important to canonicalize these URLs for the search engines. One way to do this is to ad a canonical tag to the URLs. This will alert the crawlers which URL to go to first. This is a good method if you want URLs with the duplicate content to remain active. The other way is to use a 301 redirect. This sends the crawlers to the correct URL and it allows the link power to flow to the correct URL.

An example from MusicArtistDatabase.com is in the form of printer-friendly pages. These are needless pages that clutter up the domain name. By canonicalizing them they are making it much easier for the crawlers to find the relevant content.

There can also be an issue with capitalization. For example if someone were to link to a page on MusicArtistDatabase.com with an incorrect character case they could get an error message. By applying the 301 redirect they not only fix the problem but they also keep the link power flowing.

Ethical Link Acquisition
The purchasing of links, selling links, utilization of link farms, link exchange programs, and manipulatively placing links on pages without express consent of the site owner is against the search engine’s terms of use. Doing any of the aforementioned may result in penalization or banning of your sites from the search engines. For more information please see Google’s Webmaster guidelines.

Inbound Links
This is the most important measurement for determining page rank. Our method of gathering link data is comprehensive. On top of providing competitive link data to identify the strategies of other sites, we can also provide an analysis of your own inbound links including link quality, link anchor text, and the most linked pages to your domain name.

SEO Basics


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