AOD is serious about getting you clean and they can do it in hours not days or months. The patient is treated under the supervised care of a Board-Certified Anesthesiologists (MD), a Board-Certified Addictionologist (MD), certified Paramedics, Registered Nurses, and other skilled staff professionals. The opiate detox treatment is safely performed in our state-of-the-art medical/surgical facility. All Opiates Detox is the nation’s only rapid drug detox facility with Board-Certified Medical Doctors, who have over 25 years combined experience in the field of opiate addiction.
This brand was built to be heavy on content and SEO while staying light on its feet.
All Opiates Detox
Michigan, Nationwide
Project Type
Website, Graphic Design, Branding, Social, PPC
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Healthcare Michigan Rapid Opiate Withdrawal Website Graphic Design Logo PPC Social Campaigns